Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's been about two and a half weeks so far into my raw food challenge and I'm learning to just go with it. Being super strict worked for the first two weeks but then something happened where I just started to nibble on small cooked things and before you know it, I'm eating bites of rice with soup. Why does this always happen?? I'm sticking with the 90 days though and just going to eat my main meals raw and see how much my mind needs the cooked condiments or nibbles or whatever. ahhhh.....i feel like I'm in a food prison sometimes! My longterm goal is to just eat a few small meals a day and live with that for a few years. That seems healthy for mind body and soul. I want a good relationship with food to where I choose whole foods in small quantities and give reverence for its lifeforce to nurish me while at the same time realizing that I don;t even need it. Really, we don't even need food or drink. Inedia is a strong possibility for me and just may be the path I'm headed.

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