Monday, December 31, 2012

Some Thoughts on New Year's Eve.....

Walking the Wintergarden Spiral at the Waldorf School~
A little perspective on New Years Eve from me to you:
i'm writing it all down because apparently when one does this it makes it a more powerful and attainable goes <3
~Do things that will enhance my well being which means taking care of mind, body and spirit. Continuing to train my mind for humility and openness which means approaching new ideas with curiosity and intrigue. Running my body, working it out until it is tired..exhausted some days. Continuing to eat more and more fresh fruits and veggies...tons of them! My spirit is the most tender to me. Continuing to surround myself with uplifting community who believes in me and encourages me to grow and is gentle with me when I'm sensitive and reminds me that I am enough...we all are.

~Linger, lounge and dream....Take time to enjoy the slow moments. Slow down and be present for those in front of me. In the wise words of Leo Tolstoy, the most important time is now, the most important person is whoever you are with and the most important thing to do good to is the person you are with. I'm on my phone too much and am generally distracted by this and the vast amount of daily chores that need to get done. This needs some revamping.

~Walk more. I was just inspired by something the filmmaker Michael Moore recently talked about and it was regarding walking more. Walking outside more, every day if I can. Walk in the cold evening air wrapped in a warm coat and scarf. Walk for the pure joy of doing it because I can, not because I could lose weight or because it's what I'm supposed to 'do but because it's free. It's freedom for the mind. It can only bring good.

~Use my gifts for the betterment of others and myself. I have a love of so many things and have talent galore. I've been developing my photography skills slowly but surely, I love decorating and design in general. I love nature and being outside, I love to just talk about things that inspire me...and to be with like minded community...I'm a great listener and it's easy to make me laugh. Angels inspire me and so do a number of spiritual topics. I have a talent for organization and creating small little sacred spaces. I have learned about the healing properties of essential oils this year and they have changed my life. Alternative medicine fascinates me and I have read so much about it and have experimented a ton as well. the list goes on and on....

~Take chances and always believe in myself. I'm working on this one as far as my professional life....which I'm not even sure I need to be concerned about yet. I do want to continue to always believe in myself and remember that all it takes is a little bit of effort and a positive attitude (and maybe divine timing) and the world is basically open to all possibilities. i'm working on having confidence in new situations and within social situations, i don't think I'm alone in this. I'm learning that it's ok if people don't like me....I'm learning. The ones with the radical ideas are never the most popular anyways. That's hard for me to swallow but it's a harsh reality that I'm slowly coming to terms with. I still walk in kindness and try very hard to have an open heart and an open mind and a non-judgemental attitude.

~Pursue my passions. My passions are so many to list but in a nutshell it is just to continue to grow and learn about myself and to create more peace within my own family so I can be of better service to them and everyone who comes into my life.


*this was inspired by Mimi Kirk, a beautiful woman and someone who I admire greatly

Watercolor painting with the little brothers~

Just wanted to share a sweet memory for me. It's of an afternoon painting session where the light was just right, the mood was quiet and creative and we were all inspired by each other. Our family life is anything  but tranquil, surprise when we have these introspective and harmonious moments it is so special to me. Our new kitty "Cocoa Blue" even joined in for the fun ;) From our family to yours, all the love in the Universe <3
She is a feisty little ginger who we found as a wee kitten on the side if a busy street. We took her home and never looked back.

One of Toby's favorite quiet activities is watercolor painting.

Josiah has the sweetest little profile. When he is engaged with something artistic he is like a completely different child..calm, focused and full of joy.

getting it just right~